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©温哥华中文电台  2022-05-14  (57)赞

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我这小鸽子 远走他方 飞到顿巴斯
I am a little pigeon. Fly far away to Donbas

烟处处升 火处处燃 人比螻蚁轻
The smoke and fire of war
Rises into the sky, burning everywhere
Human’s life is lighter than that of ants

点解这天空 遮掩 这哭泣地面
Why the sky to cover up
This weeping earth

我拼命争脱 宿命 炮弹落下烽烟
I'm struggling to get out of my fate 
Cannonballs fall and raise smoke

我这小鸽子 飞狮子山 飞不过维港
I am a little pigeon, fly to Lion Rock
Can not fly over Victoria Harbour

密密的大楼 空空的街上 人隔离家中
Crowded buildings, empty streets
They are isolated at home

点解这天空 空虚 病毒似无边
Why the sky is emptiness
The virus seems boundless

我戴著口罩 希望 等日出东方
I'm wearing a mask
Looking forward to the eastern sunrise

我这小鸽子 飞经宝岛 作中场休息
I am a little pigeon
Fly past the treasure island
Take an intermission

睡梦之中 却被惊扰 不能再停留
I was disturbed by accident in my sleep
Can't stay here any longer

点解这天空 辜负 逐我似根草
Why the sky betray me
Abandon me like a blade of grass

一样的五官 样貌 本是同根生
We have the same features
We have the same ancestor

从今以后 别再放我睇
Don't let me take a glance from the very today

疫症里偷生 世界再美都也无用
No matter how beautiful the world is
It has nothing to do with me
Who spent time on pandemic

从今以后 别再放我听
Don't let me hear from the very today

炮声隆隆 盖过教堂响起鐘声
The sound of the cannons
Drowned out the church bells

从今以后 别再放我飞
Don't let me fly from the very today

乱世太纷扰 好想天光终於来到
The troubled world is too turbulent 
I want the light come finally

从今以后 伴我再远飞
Fly with me from the very today

定远走高飞 飞到那裡总会遇到
We must fly far away
Fly to somewhere we will meet someday

飞到未来 翅膀如旧长在我身
Flying into the future
The wings still grow on me

I wish there was no more sky

That could stop me from flying high


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